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Student Resources and Rights Guide



Dean of Students S380

Phone Number: 713-221-8100


Main source of information for students; student advocacy, rights, conduct, &


Career Center - Main S402 Phone Number: 713-221-8980 E-mail:

Career development and planning for all majors except


Career Center – College of Business B104

Phone Number: 713-221-5011


Career development & planning for Business majors
Center for ​Student Advocacy and Community S370 Phone Number: 713-221-5008 E-mail: to empower students to build a more welcoming campus environment​
Counseling Services

S280 (Main Office)

S601 (Annex)

Phone Number: 713-221-8121​


Confidential support with addressing personal issues
Disability Services GSB 314

Phone Number: 713-221-5078


Academic accommodations for students with disabilities
Food Market S292

Phone Number: 713-221-5870


Fresh food & other necessities for students
Health Services S445

Phone Number: 713-221-8137


Non-urgent clinical services & student health insurance
Sports and Fitness Student Wellness and Success Center

Phone Number: 713-221-8225

E-mail: sports&

Free weights, fitness machines & classes, club & intramural sports, personal training, healthy workshops, First Aid Certification, other

safety trainings

Study Abroad S345 Phone Number: 713-221-8250 E-mail: International educational opportunities
Student Leadership & Involvement​ S204

Phone Number: 713-221-8573


Student programming & events, student clubs & organizations, Greek Life, Mariachi Los Caimanes,

Esports, student lounge

Veterans Services GSB 318 Phone Number: 713-221-8622 E-mail:

Support for veterans, reservists, guardsmen, &








Accelerated Transfer Academy (ATA)

S417 Phone Number: 713-226-5291 E-mail: Academic support for transfer students
Center for Math and Statistics Support N925 Phone Number: 713-221-8241 E-mail: Academic support for mathematical principles

College of Business Tutoring Center

B212 & B214 Phone Number: 713-221-8661 Academic support for business majors
Foreign Language Lab N950

Phone Number: 713-221-8628


Academic support for Spanish language learners

Gator Success Center N310 Phone Number: 713-221-5805 Academic support for freshmen & sophomores
Men of L.E.G.A.C.I. S411 Phone Number: 713-221-5804 E-mail:

Academic & leadership support for underrepresented males; mentoring; cohort-based, instruction, etc.

Science Learning Center N604 Phone Number: 713-221-8015

Academic support for science classes

Supplemental Instruction S405 Phone Number: 713-222-5338 E-mail:

Tutoring for math, biology, chemistry, physics, history, philosophy, political science

W. I. Dykes Library N401 Phone Number: 713-221-8187

Research & library resources; reserve study rooms

Writing and Reading Center N925

Phone Number: 713-221-5338


Academic & personal writing support





Admissions GSB 308 Phone Number: 713-221-8522 E-mail: Manages admission process for all students
Cashier's and Student Accounting S310 Phone Number: 713-221-8196 E-mail: Collects payment for tuition & fees; manages book loans
Financial Aid and Scholarships S350 Phone Number: 713-221-8041 E-mail:

Financial support to meet educational needs; oversees scholarships & work-study

Registrar's N330 Phone Number: 713-221-8999 E-mail:

Student records, transcripts, course withdrawals, & appeals

Testing Services GSB 311 Phone Number: 713-221-8027 E-mail: Proctors local & national exams






Bookstore N351 Phone Number: 713-221-8025 E-mail: Buy your textbooks and supplies
Employment Services and Operations S910 Phone Number: 713-221-8060 E-mail:

Oversees campus job opportunities & hiring; payroll; employee policies

Events and Conferences S600

Phone Number: 713-221-8580


Campus event space reservations; rent linens

Information Technology Service Desk ACAD 700 Phone Number: 713-221-8031 E-mail: Campus technology support
Parking and Transportation N117 Phone Number: 713-221-8127 E-mail:

Parking permits; shuttle bus service; parking citation appeals

Police Department N118

713-221-8911 (emergency)

713-221-8065 (non-emergency) E-mail:

Ensures a secure and safe university environment for UHD community





All students have the right to register complaints or concerns regarding their experience at UHD and to receive a timely response from the appropriate university official. UHD has established policies to address complaints related to academics and non-academics. Students should attempt to resolve the issue at the office that is the source of the complaint by speaking with the supervisor or professor and follow the below steps:




If the attempt does not result in a satisfactory resolution, students should complete the UHD Student Complaint Form. Questions may be directed to

For complaints related to discrimination and sexual misconduct, please see page 7.


​ ​​​



UHD Police Department

The UHD Police Department strives to preserve and promote a safe campus environment. To report an emergency, please call 713-221-8911. To report a non-emergency, please call 713-221-8065. You may also contact UHDPD using one of the many yellow call boxes located near all entrances/exits on all buildings, parking garages, and elevators.​

UHD PD also provides escort assistance to and from your vehicle upon request as well as limited motorist assistance (locked keys in vehicle, jump-start). If you plan to ride a bicycle to campus, please register it with UHD PD.



Gator Chant – A rallying call created by the 2016 UHD student Gator Crew for new gators to show their gator pride.

Hey Gators
You're lookin' good today!
Well, the Gators look good EVERY DAY! 
We are, we are gators, gators!
We are, we are gators, gators! 
Fighting red
Fighting blue
Fighting white 


Welcome Week – Held during the first week of classes each fall and spring semesters to celebrate the beginning of the semester with a week of events and activities designed to welcome new and continuing gators.

Homecoming – Held annually during the fall semester (typically in October) for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the community to come together and celebrate the spirit and pride of UHD. The main features are the UHD Pep Rally, Homecoming games, and Tail-Gatoring.

Student Involvement Day – A resource fair held during the fall and spring semesters to highlight student organizations, Greek life, Campus Activities Board (CAB), Student Government Association (SGA), and many more!

Bayou Bash- A cultural celebration held in the spring with crawfish, drinks, and zydeco music to celebrate the richness and diversity of UHD.

GatorServe – Held on Martin Luther King Jr. Day and September 11, both regarded as National Days of Service, to allow UHD students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community partners to join together and complete projects in service of our neighborhood.

One Main Event – Annual awards gala held in the spring to celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of UHD's student organizations and their recognition of their members.

For a full list of student clubs and organizations, visit the Office of Student Activities. Questions may be directed to | 713-221-8573.​




Lounge Spaces

2nd Floor

  • Lounge Area/Quiet Space near N210J 6th Floor
  • Lounge Area w/vending near N602 7th Floor
  • Lounge Space near N702
  • Department of Math and Statistics Lounge - S721 8th Floor
  • Lounge Area w/vending near S815 10th Floor
  • Lounge Area - N1000 & N1068
  • Quiet sitting area near elevators​

Study Areas

2nd Floor

  • Study Room – N298 4th Floor
  • Quiet/Study area - N400
  • Meditation Room - N490
  • Quiet/Study Space (reading room) Large Open Space near N420
  • Study rooms - N411- N453
  • Library Computer Lab - N401 5th Floor
  • North-Library
  • Includes individual study desks and open study area with carrels and lounge space
  • South-Library
  • Includes individual study desks, 40,000 Windows Cafe and open study area

6th Floor

  • Study desk near N624 7th Floor
  • Study desk near S707 - S719 8th Floor
  • Study desk near N811 - N819, N836 9th Floor
  • Academic Support Center Computer Lab 10th Floor
  • Quiet sitting area near elevators
  • Private study area near N1067


Lounge Spaces

1st Floor

  • Outside patio with lounge space
  • Lounge space near stairwell 51 2nd Floor
  • Lounge space near C208 4th Floor
  • Lounge space near C420

Study Areas

3rd Floor

  • Criminal Justice Student Study Room - C350
  • Stardust Classroom (computer lab) - C320
  • Comet Computer Lab
  • Orbit Computer Lab 4th Floor
  • Student Resource Room - C450
  • Computer Lab C410 with lounge space​
  • Sitting area leading from elevators to stairwell​

Lounge Spaces

3rd Floor

  • Starbucks area – Lounge space
  • Coffee House area – Lounge space
  • Mural area
  • Mural area – Outdoor space
  • Coffeehouse area – Lounge space with TV
  • Food Court area – Lounge space
  • Food Court Area – Outdoor deck overlooking bayou/downtown

4th Floor

  • Lounge space by elevators
  • Lounge space - A429 & A439

Study Areas

3rd Floor

  • Welcome Center study area by windows near GSB Tour Room
  • Welcome Center study area by elevators
  • Welcome Center study area by Art Gallery 4th Floor
  • 4th floor – 20 computer workstations
  • 4th floor – 23 study carrels
  • Study area by elevators (quiet zone)
  • Study area by restrooms – A439
  • Study area A429 – doors can be closed and used for studying or as a hangout space
  • Study area near A414 – computers and printing available, as well as study carrels & study rooms
  • Study area (quiet zone) overlooking I-10/Girard St, long hallway

6th Floor

  • Study area by elevator
  • Study area with computer workstations
  • Study area by elevators, near restrooms
  • Computer area in hallway by A615
  • 6th floor – 7 study carrels
  • Study area (quiet zone) overlooking I-10/Girard St, long hallway

7th Floor

  • Lounge space near elevators
  • Study area overlooking bayou/downtown, near Technology Teaching & Learning Center
  • Study area overlooking train tracks/I-10, near A717 Multimedia Services
  • Study area overlooking I-10/Girard St, long hallway


Lounge Spaces

1st Floor

  • Lounge space near B140
  • Outdoor patio with lounge space

Study Areas

2nd Floor

  • Study space - B200 (computer lab)
  • Study space near B240 3rd Floor
  • Study space near B340​






I. Student Conduct: PS 04.A.01 Student Rights and Responsibilities | Code of Conduct Conduct

All students are expected to adhere to, and be accountable for, all federal, state, and local laws in addition to all University policies and regulations. Proven failure to meet this obligation will justify appropriate disciplinary action including but not limited to expulsion, suspension, disciplinary probation, loss of privileges, or warning. The conduct process includes two steps: 1) Procedural Interview – Meeting with the Conduct Officer to review and discuss the charges, and 2) Hearing – Choice of a Disciplinary Conference (one-on-one hearing) with the Conduct Officer or a hearing with the Student Discipline Committee.

 If you receive notification of an alleged conduct violation, you can expect the following:

  • Due process rights
  • Advanced notice of the charge(s)
  • Opportunity to question evidence and present defense
  • Have an advisor present during the disciplinary conference and hearing
  • Challenge objectivity of a hearing committee member
  • Evidence based outcomes
  • Option to appeal any finding with exception to a warning


II. Freedom of Expression: PS 04.A.08 Freedom of Expression Policy

The University expects that persons engaging in expressive activities will demonstrate civility, concern for the safety of persons and property, respect for University activities, respect for those who may disagree with their message, and compliance with University policies and applicable local, state, and federal laws. UHD maintains its right to place reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on expressive activities. This policy is applicable to any expressive activity (including literature distribution) at locations on university grounds. This policy does not apply to any Official University event or activity.


III. Hazing: PS 04.A.07 Hazing Policy

Participation in hazing activities is against the law. The University strictly prohibits participation in hazing activities by any party, regardless of the existence of consent. UHD recognizes the act of hazing as illegal, irresponsible, intolerable, and inconsistent with the principles of higher education and basic human development. Violation of the University's hazing policy, whether on or off campus, may subject participants, including students and organizations, to arrest, prosecution, and/or disciplinary action, including but not limited to suspension or expulsion of students and the revocation of an organization's registration and/or recognition of the University. Consent to acquiescence in hazing activity is not a defense. This policy addresses hazing activity and includes a summary of the provisions of the law as it relates to hazing.

To file a report for any of the policies listed on this page, complete the Student Conduct IncidentReport Form. Questions may be directed to | 713-221-8100.


IV. Anti-Discrimination: SAM 01.D.07 Anti-Discrimination Policy

UHD is committed to maintaining an environment where students, employees, and visitors are free from all forms of discrimination of any kind. Discrimination is prohibited for the following protected classes:

  • Race and ethnicity
  • Color
  • Sex (including pregnancy status)
  • Genetic information
  • Religion
  • Age
  • National origin
  • Disability
  • Veteran status
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender identity/expression

To file a report, complete the Discrimination and Harassment Report Form. Questions may be directed to | 713-221-5771.


V. Title IX | Sexual Misconduct: SAM 01.D.08 Sexual Misconduct Policy

UHD is committed to maintaining an environment where students, employees, and visitors are free from sex discrimination of any kind. All employees, except Counseling Services and Health Services, are required to report sexual misconduct allegations. Students are strongly encouraged to report these incidents as well. Sexual misconduct includes:​

  • Sexual harassment
  • Non-consensual sexual contact
  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Sexual intimidation
  • Intimate partner violence
  • Stalking​

To file a report, complete the Title IX Report Sexual Misconduct Form. Questions may be directed to | 713-221-5771.


VI. Alcohol: PS 04.A.02 Student Use of Alcoholic Beverages at UHD

This policy outlines the regulations regarding the service, consumption, and distribution of alcoholic beverages to UHD students. The University strictly adheres to all city, state, and federal laws regarding the distribution and consumption of alcohol. The University is committed to the national initiative of preventing the abuse of alcohol.

To file a report, complete the Student Conduct Incident Report Form. Questions may be directed to | 713-221-8100.


VII. Smoking: PS 01.A.09 Smoke Free and Tobacco Free Environment

This policy addresses the use of tobacco and smokeless tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or similar devices on University property. All of these are prohibited in University buildings and grounds, shuttle buses, escort vans, or any other type of campus vehicle. Tobacco use is permitted outside of University buildings in designated smoking areas. The sale or free distribution of tobacco products or merchandise on University property is prohibited.

To file a report, complete the Student Conduct Incident Report Form. Questions may be directed to | 713-221-8100.


VIII.  Academic Honesty: PS 03.A.19 Academic Honesty Policy

The Academic Honesty Policy is the University's standard of honesty. Students are responsible for maintaining the academic integrity of the University and for doing their own work while avoiding all forms of academic dishonesty. Academic honesty violations include but not limited to:​

  • Submitting material that is not yours
  • Submitting similar work in more than one course
  • Obtaining/Using information, devices, material without permission
  • Fabricating information
  • Collaborating with others without permission
  • Communicating with any person during an exam other than the instructor or exam proctor
  • ​Having another person take your exam
  • Altering exam answers and requesting it be re-graded
  • Directly quoting, paraphrasing, or using sources of information without identifying them

The penalty for academic honesty violations is at the discretion of the instructor and may be modified upon appeal. Penalties can range from a warning, zero on an assignment, to receiving an F in the course.

To file an appeal, contact the instructor of the course.


IX. Academic Accommodations: SAM 01.D.09 Student Academic Adjustments/Auxiliary Aids Policy

This policy assists with the submission and processing of student academic adjustments/auxiliary aids (i.e., accommodations) requests based on a disability. It is the policy of the University of Houston System and UHD that all students who have a disability are afforded equal academic opportunities in compliance with federal and state laws. The UH System is committed to ensuring that no student with a disability is excluded, denied services, segregated, or otherwise treated differently than other students because of the absence of a reasonable academic adjustment/auxiliary aid.​

To file a report, contact the Office of Disability Services at | 713-221-5078.
