Displayed outside UHD's Wilhelmina Cullen Robertson Auditorium is a large mural of a world map, covered in sticky notes. A large heading reads, "Multiculturalism: What is Your Why?". The mural, a brainchild of Dr. Elizabeth Stackhouse, Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies in Urban Education, was created to inspire attendees at the 23rd Annual TXName Conference.

Co-sponsored by UHD's College of Public Service (CPS), the dynamic three-day conference, centered on the theme of joy in multicultural learning, served as a "vibrant intellectual and collaborative exchange" for educators, advocates, and activists across the Lone Star State and beyond. "It was amazing to hear about the innovative approaches to multicultural education across the state." said CPS Dean Jonathan Schwartz.

Dr. Tonya Jeffery, Assistant Professor of Science Education, Social Justice, & Equity, brought the conference to UHD, and serves as the At-Large Board Member of TXNAME.

TXName President and Assistant Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity at Yale University, Dr. Lakia M. Scott, dissected this year's theme in her keynote address titled, "Finding Joy in the Multicultural Education Work." Dr. Scott underscored the importance of finding joy in multicultural education work, honoring cultural diversity in the classroom, and creating safe, authentic, and truth-seeking educational environments. "We honor our cultural diversity and difference for allowing it to show up and show out in our classrooms. We don't abandon or hide it." said Dr. Scott.

In addition to thought-provoking keynote speeches, interactive workshops and networking sessions, attendees enjoyed research presentations ranging from topics on creativity in the multicultural classroom to what social justice means to teacher candidates.

Founded in 2000, TXNAME serves as a statewide voice for multicultural education and a powerful resource for educators, advocates and community organizations.

Check out photos from the conference below.

TXName Conference TXName Conference

TXName Conference TXName Conference

TXName Conference TXName Conference

TXName Conference TXName Conference