Unveiling Understanding: Explore Student Research on April 19
With Keynote Speaker Dr. Adolfo Lara, a Gator Alumnus and Researcher

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Many students experience something like the following: They register for courses, attend class meetings, take in subject matter, and then, at scheduled intervals, they relate the subject matter in a manner that satisfies their professors. Such methods treat students not as knowledge makers, but as simple vessels waiting to be filled with some kind of academic gospel. There is, however, a fundamental difference between knowing and understanding. The latter entails comprehension, adaptability, and "know-how,' while the former consists of simple facts, or "know-that.'

One way to arrive at understanding is through research, which is why UHD's 23rd Annual UHD Student Research Conference (SRC) on April 19 is so important, as it allows students to achieve understanding in their field through their own scholarly activity. Open to all all undergraduate and graduate research students, the SRC showcases scholarly activities and special academic projects undertaken by Gators in the past year.

Too, UHD alumnus Adolfo Lara (Biology, "13) will be on hand as the SRC's keynote speaker. Lara earned his doctoral degree in Comparative Biology at the Richard Gilder Graduate School-American Museum of Natural History in 2018 and is currently engaging in remote postdoctoral work at the University of Florida. Lara's work combines "neuroscience and evolutionary biology to unravel questions about the origin of the nervous system using genetic sequencing methods."

He currently works in the Houston Health Department helping drive quality public health policy decisions through his research.

SRC attendees will see senior capstone research projects, research projects completed as part of internships, independent or directed studies, or presenters who have extended their research from a prior courses. You can view the full event schedule in the table below.

Time Session Location
8 a.m. Registration Mural Area
Continental Breakfast Skyline Lounge
9 a.m.

Introductory Remarks

Scholars Academy Executive Director Dr. Mary Jo Parker

Wilhelmina Cullen Robertson Auditorium
9: 15 a.m. UHD President Dr. Loren Blanchard
Provost Dr. Deborah Bordelon
CST Dean, Dr. Akif Uzman
9: 30 a.m.

STEM Keynote Speaker

Dr. Adolfo Lara
Undergraduate research: Finding solutions and finding yourself

10 a.m.

Oral Presentations Begin

Introductions by SRC Chairs

11:45 a.m. Remarks from Dr. Mary Jo Parker
Noon Lunch Welcome Center & Milan/Travis Rooms
1 p.m. Poster Sessions Begin A300
1 p.m. Session I A300
2:30 p.m. Session II A300
3:30 p.m. SRC closes

The conference is organized and sponsored by the UHD Scholars Academy with funding from The Brown Foundation, Inc., Department of Education MSEIP grant, and UHD.

Download the SRC Guidelines. All UHD community members are invited. If you have any questions, please contact Mercedes Gonzales, SA Program Coordinator, at gonzalesmer@uhd.edu.