PLS Fireside Chat

History is often considered a discipline made up of things like letters, maps, and legal treatises, or more mundane documents like census records and bills of sale. This is, of course, not wholly true, as much of history is held in the memories of the people who have, in a phrase, paved the way. Sometimes, in other words, history is alive and well.

This notion was on display at the most recent iteration of the President's Lecture Series, "Fireside Chat with Former UHD Presidents," on March 5. Former UHD Presidents Alex F. Schilt (1980-1987), Max Castillo (1992-2009), and William V. Flores (2009-2016) all served as panelists, while current UHD President Loren J. Blanchard served as the moderator.

Each of them spoke at length on why they chose to come to UHD, what challenges they faced, and how each of their individual contributions helped UHD's natural life cycle as a university. Their dedication is a key reason why UHD has come so far in its first 50 years, and we certainly look forward to seeing President Blanchard's vision come to pass in the next 50.

You can watch the full discussion below.