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International Baccalaureate (IB)

This guide is for unofficial purposes only. Please contact your academic advisor for further information.

IB Category Exam Test Score Course Equivalency UHD Credit Hours
Arabic B  SL 4-7 +dipl ARAB 1401, 1402 Elementary Arabic I & II 8
Arabic B  HL 4-7 ARAB 1401, 1402 Elementary Arabic I & II, LANG 2301, 2302 Intermediate Language I & II 14
Biology HL or SL 4 + dipl BIOL 1301/1101 & 1302 /1102 8
Chemistry HL or SL 4 + dipl CHEM 1305/1105 4
5 + dipl CHEM 1307/1107 4
Chinese B SL 4-7+dipl CHI 1401, 1402 Elementary Chinese I & II 8
Chinese B HL 4-7 CHI 1401, 1402 Elementary Chinese I & II, LANG 2301, 2303 Intermediate Language I & II 14
Social & Cultural Anthropology SL 4-7+dipl ANTH 2302 Cultural Anthropology 3
Social & Cultural Anthropology HL 4-7 ANTH 2302 Cultural Anthropology 3
English Language A SL SL 4 + dipl ENG 1301 Composition I 3
English Language A HL 4 ENG 1301 Composition I 3
English Language A  HL 5-7 ENG 1301, 1302 Composition I and II 6
English Language B N/A N/A No Equivalency 0
English Literature A N/A N/A No Equivalency 0
Environmental Systems and Societies N/A N/A No Equivalency 0
French AB  SL 4-7+dipl FREN 1401, 1402 Elementary French 8
French B  SL 4-7+dipl FREN 1401, 1402 Elementary French I & II 8
French B  HL 4-7 FREN 1401, 1402 Elementary French I & II, LANG 2301, 2302 Intermediate Foreign Language 14
German B HL 4-7 LANG 1401, 1402 Elementary Language I & II, LANG 2301, 2302 Intermediate Foreign Language 14
German B SL 4-7+dipl LANG 1401, 1402 Elementary Language I & II 8
Geography  SL 4-7+dipl GEOG 1302 World Geography 3
Geography  HL 4-7 GEOG 1302 World Geography 3
Hindi B HL 7-Apr LANG 1401, 1402 Elementary Language I & II, LANG 2301, 2302 Intermediate Foreign Language 14
Hindi B SL 4-7+dipl LANG 1401, 1402 Elementary Language I & II 8
History - European HL 4-7 HIST 1XXX 3
History - European SL 4-7+dipl HIST 1XXX 3
History - Americas HL 4-7 HIST 1XXX 3
History - Americas SL 4-7+dipl HIST 1XXX 3
Music  HL 4 MUS 1XXX 3
Musical Composition  SL 4-7+dipl MUS 1304 Music Theory I 3
Music Solo Performance  SL 4-7+dipl MUS 1303 Reading Music 3
Philosophy SL 4-7+dipl PHIL 1301 Introduction to Philosophy 3
Philosophy HL 4-7 PHIL 1301 Introduction to Philosophy 3
Physics HL or SL 4 PHYS 1307/1107 & 1308/1108 8
Psychology SL 4-7+dipl PSY 1303 Introduction to Psychology 3
Psychology HL 4-7 PSY 1303 Introduction to Psychology 3
Spanish ab initio SL 4-7+dipl SPAN 1401, 1402 Elementary Spanish 8
Spanish ab initio HL 4-7 SPAN 1401, 1402 Elementary Spanish 8
Spanish B HL 4-7 SPAN 1401, 1402 Elementary Spanish, SPAN 2301, 2302 Intermediate Spanish 14
Spanish B SL 4-7+dipl SPAN 1401, 1402 Elementary Spanish 8
Theatre SL 4-7+dipl DRA 1301 Introduction to Theater 3
Theatre HL 4-7 DRA 1301 Introduction to Theater 3
Visual Art SL 4-7+dipl ART 1310 Art Appreciation  3
Visual Art HL 4-7 ART 1310 Art Appreciation  3
World Cultures SL 4-7+dipl ELEC 1XXX 3
World Religions SL 4-7 +dip PHIL 1XXX 3
Any languages not taught at UHD HL 4-7 LANG 1401, 1402 Elementary Language I & II , LANG 2301, 2302 Intermediate Language I & II 14
Any languages not taught at UHD SL 4-7+dipl LANG 1401, 1402 Elementary Language I & II  8
Biology SL 4+dipl BIOL 1301, 1101, 1302, 1102, Gen Biology I & II and labs 8
Biology SL 5 BIOL 1301, 1101, 1302, 1102, Gen Biology I & II and labs 8
Biology HL 4 BIOL 1301, 1101, 1302, 1102, Gen Biology I & II and labs 8
Chemistry SL 4+dipl CHEM 1305, 1105, Intro to Chem & 4 hours of CHEM 1XXX with core 030 8
Chemistry SL 5 CHEM 1305, 1105, Intro to Chem & 4 hours of CHEM 1XXX with core 030 8
Chemistry HL 4 CHEM 1305, 1105, 1307, 1107, Intro to Chem & Gen Chemistry I, with labs 8
Chemistry HL 5 CHEM 1307, 1107, 1308, 1108, Gen Chemistry I & II with labs 8
Computer Science SL 4+dipl CS 1410, Intro to Computer Science I 4
Computer Science SL 5 CS 1410, Intro to Computer Science I 4
Computer Science HL 4 CS 1410, 3304, Intro to Computer Science I & Data and Info Structures 7
Economics SL 4+dipl ECO 2301, 2302 Principles of Econ I & II 6
Economics HL 4 ECO 2301, 2302 Principles of Econ I & II 6
Mathematics SL 4+dipl MATH 2401, 2402, Calculus I & II 8
Mathematics SL 5 MATH 2401, 2402, Calculus I & II 8
Mathematics HL 4 MATH 2401, 2402, Calculus I & II 8
Mathematics Studies SL 4+dipl MATH 1301, College Algebra 3
Mathematics Studies SL 5 MATH 1301, College Algebra 3
Mathematics Studies HL 4 MATH 1301, College Algebra 3
Further Mathematics SL 4+dipl MATH 1305, 1306, Finite Math and Fundamentals of Calculus 6
Further Mathematics SL 5+dipl MATH 1305, 1306, STAT 2300, Finite, Fund of Calculus, Intro to Statistics 9
Further Mathematics HL 4 MATH 1305, 1306, Finite Math and Fundamentals of Calculus 6
Further Mathematics HL 5 MATH 1305, 1306, STAT 2300, Finite, Fund of Calculus, Intro to Statistics 9
Physics SL 4+dpl PHYS 1307, 1107, 1308, 1108 Gen Physics and labs 8
Physics SL 5 PHYS 1307, 1107, 1308, 1108 Gen Physics and labs 8
Physics HL 4 PHYS 1307, 1107, 1308, 1108 Gen Physics and labs 8