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Previous vitalvoices 2024-2025

The vitalvoices Speaker Series serves as a forum to bring scholars and practitioners alike to speak to students, faculty, alumni and community partners at UHD's College of Public Service. It is our hope that those we invite to speak will share, from the heart, their professional experiences, their knowledge, and how the work they do impacts society as a whole. We like to feature people whose work is interdisciplinary and touches upon the fields social work, criminal justice and urban education.

If a vitalvoices session was recorded, the titles below will link directly to its recorded presentation on our YouTube channel. Please enjoy.

Everything You Wanted To Know About The FBI (Well, Almost Everything)

Tuesday, September 10th from 11:30a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

For many, the FBI is shrouded in mystery. What exactly do they do, where are they located, who are they accountable to? Moderated by our own Douglas A. Williams, JR. and Dr. Clete Snell, these any other questions will be answered by Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Houston FBI office, Mr. Doug Williams. The conversation will touch upon the following:

  • The history of the FBI and its origins
  • Realignment of the FBI post 9/11
  • FBI’s various divisions, the breadth and reach of its work domestically and around the world
  • Types of career paths the FBI offers
  • What’s currently going on at the FBI.
  • Impact of politics on its work


Douglas A. Williams, Jr.

Special Agent in Charge, Douglas A. Williams Jr. began his career as a Special Agent with the FBI in 2002 and was assigned to the Miami Field Office.

Speaker's Full BIO