2017 United Kingdom Trip
May 15 - 28, 2017
Expand your horizons intellectually and experientially through first-hand engagement
with artifacts, sites, history, culture, and cultural settings that contribute to
students’ knowledge of communication, culture and history, as well as art and architecture,
related to elements studied in the UHD classroom prior to travel to the UK. Students will also have opportunities to develop a sense of themselves as part of
a larger, global community.
The students will visit key cultural sites in and around London (e.g., British Museum,
British Library, Tower of London, Stonehenge, etc.) and Visit Parliament (watch debate(s)
and committee hearings taking place in the House of Commons and House of Lords).
Travel to Scotland, Edinburgh (e.g, Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood House Palace, National
Museum of Scotland, etc.). Visit Scottish Parliament: and travel to Liverpool, England
experiencing cultural icons, and a history that has shaped the world.
COMM 2307: Intercultural Communication
Michael R. Wilson
HIST 3333: Antislavery Movements
Dr. David Ryden
HUM 2301: Fundamentals of Western Culture I
Dr. Edmund Cueva