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Top Counties, States and Countries of Origin (Fall 2024)

Texas County #
Harris 10,612
Fort Bend 1,484
Montgomery 431
Brazoria 331
Galveston 79
Liberty 67
Houston 45
Bexar 28
Dallas 27
Chambers 26
Travis 26
States* #
California 10
Florida 7
Louisiana 5
Georgia 4
Illinois 4
New Jersey 4
New York 4
Washington 4
Missouri 3
North Carolina 3
Virginia 3
Country #
India 28
Vietnam 28
Nigeria 26
Pakistan 19
Angola 18
Nepal 13
Bangladesh 6
China 6
Turkey 6
Venezuela 6

Total number of Texas counties represented: 71

Total number of states represented (including Texas): 29

Total number of other countries represented: 47

* The states listing includes only those students who have an out of state residency. Texas students are included in the county breakdown.